Sound Effects and Reactions are an artform Vocal Library, efforts and more help build the scene Learn how to do it from two pro's who will share their industry knowledge ACE your audition and stand out above the rest GUARANTEED after this incredible 4 hour SFX & REAX session Follow along at home and grow See you at the Mic Get Mic'd
Creating mythical creatures and others is an artform rarely shared Dive in to the world of fantasy with two ladies who know exactly what you need to create impact This is not for the weak at heart - this takes creativity, risk and an imagination far beyond the human mind!
Step up to the mic and create a world like no other!
Come play with Deb Munro and Elley Ray as they guide you through navigating the nation of ANIMATION!
Script Interpretation
Character Development
Animation Styles
Understanding Direction
Industry Tips
Directed Read
and much more!
Join us on Wed April 27th, 7 - 10:30 p.m. est!
Your chance to audition for a panel of Agents who aren't afraid to tell you like it is. Education and opportunity, all rolled into one!
A Halloween Audition Marathon Covering Multiple Genres in one Monster of a sCrypt!
Your chance to audition for a top Agent who isn't afraid to tell you like it is. Education and opportunity, all rolled into one!
It's not too late to play with Deb Munro and Elley Ray as they guide you through navigating the world of creating multiple characters no matter the genre!
Needed industry archetypes Consistency Placement Genre requirements/differences Styles Tones Quirks Texture Techniques
Tips and Techniques that will create impact
and so much more
with two of Canada's top VO Pro's: the award-winning Elley Ray & Deb Munro
3-1/2 hours of solid career changing training NEW (coming soon) - Get Mic'd Members get 10% off - Join today